Occupation can be defined as all activities that occupy a person's time. The Satisfaction with Daily Occupations and Occupational Balance instrument evaluates the perceived satisfaction with performance and the balance in time dedicated to different occupations. The main aim was to translate the original instrument to Spanish and examine and establish the psychometric properties. This is a quantitative, cross-sectional study conducted in two stages: translation and cultural adaptation (forward translation, expert panel, back-translation, second expert panel and pre-testing and cognitive interviewing) and collecting data to evaluate psychometric properties (homogeneity, construct validity, known-groups validity, and floor/ceiling effects). One hundred participants took part in the study, adults with a diagnosis of a mental health disorder and adults without any known health problems. The Spanish version showed known-groups validity, acceptable internal consistency, and construct validity, although the relationships with some of the indicators of discriminant validity were somewhat higher than expected. The instrument shows promise as a useful screening tool for assessing activity level and satisfaction with daily occupations among a Spanish speaking population.
Keywords: adaptation; instrument; occupation; occupational balance; psychometric assessment; reliability; validation.