Time, Irreversibility and Entropy Production in Nonequilibrium Systems

Entropy (Basel). 2020 Aug 13;22(8):887. doi: 10.3390/e22080887.


The aim of this review is to shed light on time and irreversibility, in order to link macroscopic to microscopic approaches to these complicated problems. After a brief summary of the standard notions of thermodynamics, we introduce some considerations about certain fundamental aspects of temporal evolution of out-of-equilibrium systems. Our focus is on the notion of entropy generation as the marked characteristic of irreversible behaviour. The concept of time and the basic aspects of the thermalization of thermal radiation, due to the interaction of thermal radiation with matter, are explored concisely from complementary perspectives. The implications and relevance of time for the phenomenon of thermal radiation and irreversible thermophysics are carefully discussed. The concept of time is treated from a different viewpoint, in order to make it as clear as possible in relation to its different fundamental problems.

Keywords: entropy production; irreversible processes; nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamics; temporal evolution; thermodynamics for processes in finite time; time and action.

Publication types

  • Review