An American white pelican migrating through Iowa, USA exhibited regurgitation and anorexia. At the time of necropsy, numerous nematodes were observed in the crop and proventriculus with evidence of proventriculitis. Nematodes were identified as Contracaecum spp. based on morphological features of the adult worms and eggs. Species level identification of C. fagerholmi were made using nucleotide sequence analysis of the partial cox2 gene. Contracaecum infections are highly prevalent in piscivorous birds that acquire the infection by ingesting fish infected with larval stages of the parasite. Considering the possible zoonotic nature of Contracaecum, humans whose diets include uncooked fresh-water and/or marine fish should handle fresh fish with care, as these may harbor immature stages of Contracaecum spp.
Keywords: Anasakids; Ascarids; Contracaeciasis.
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