A man in his mid 70s was referred to head and neck outpatients with bulky tissue in the left tonsillar fossa. He had previously been treated for oligometastatic renal clear cell carcinoma (diagnosed over 15 years prior to disease recurrence) by tonsillectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy (years from primary treatment), followed by trans-oral laser surgery to his oropharyngeal recurrence 3 years later. Examination under anaesthetic and biopsy confirmed further recurrence of disease in the left tonsillar fossa, with parapharyngeal extension, which has not been previously reported in the literature. After discussion in the head and neck and urology multi-disciplinary teams meeting, the patient was offered trans-oral robotic-assisted surgery (TORS) for local control and prevention of progression of a fungating oropharyngeal mass. TORS partial pharyngectomy and left buccal artery myomucosal flap reconstruction were successfully carried out, with preservation of some swallow function.
Keywords: head and neck cancer; head and neck surgery; otolaryngology / ENT.
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