Emergency care is in its nascency in most of the world and emergency health systems are developing throughout Africa, including Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a LMIC African nation that has committed to strengthening emergency care systems. A historical perspective provides the background of Ethiopian emergency care with the development of an emergency care taskforce to the first residency program and subsequent development of the Emergency and Critical Care Directorate. The goals of the directorate are discussed as well as their role in the development of the national integrated emergency medicine curriculum. Concurrently the development of multiple residencies as well as a nursing emergency and critical care training increased the human resources for emergency medicine. Recently, the WHO and Ministry of Health-Ethiopia have been working together to roll out an integrated emergency care system development agenda throughout the country bolstered by the recent passing of a world health assembly resolution to strengthen emergency care co-led by Ethiopia. With all the successes of Ethiopia in increasing human resources there have been both triumphs and challenges. The development of human resources for emergency care systems in Ethiopia provides insights and lessons learned to other nations on a similar pathway of strengthening emergency care systems.
Keywords: Emergency care systems; Emergency medicine; Ethiopia; Human resources for health.
© 2020 African Federation for Emergency Medicine. Publishing services provided by Elsevier.