Objective: To compare positive predictive values (PPVs) of clumped vs non-clumped (homogenous and heterogeneous) internal enhancement on MRI detected linear non-mass enhancement (NME) on MRI-guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy (MRI-VABB).
Methods: With IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval, we retrospectively reviewed 598 lesions undergoing MRI-VABB from January 2015 to April 2018 that showed linear NME. We reviewed the electronic medical records for MRI-VABB pathology, any subsequent surgery and clinical follow-up. The X2 test was performed for univariate analysis.
Results: There were 120/598 (20%) linear NME MRI-VABB lesions with clumped (52/120, 43%) vs non-clumped (68/120, 57%) internal enhancement, average size 1.8 cm (range 0.6-7.6 cm). On MRI-VABB, cancer was identified in 22/120 (18%) lesions, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) was found in 18/22 (82%) and invasive cancer in 4 (18%). 3/31 (10%) high-risk lesions upgraded to DCIS at surgery, for a total of 25/120 (21%) malignancies. Malignancy was found in 12/52 (23%) clumped lesions and in 13/68 (19%) of non-clumped lesions that showed heterogeneous (5/13, 38%) or homogenous (8/13, 62%) internal enhancement. The PPV of linear NME with clumped internal enhancement (23.1%) was not significantly different from the PPV of non-clumped linear NME (19.1%) (p = 0.597). The PPV of linear NME lesions <1 cm (33.3%) was not significantly different from the PPV of lesions ≥1 cm (18.6%) (p = 0.157).
Conclusions: Linear NME showed malignancy in 21% of our series. Linear NME with clumped or non-clumped internal enhancement patterns, regardless of lesion size, might need to undergo MRI-VABB in appropriate populations.
Advances in knowledge: Evaluation of linear NME lesions on breast MRI focuses especially on internal enhancement pattern.