Objective: To explore sex difference in height growth and blood pressure (BP) change among Beijing school-age children and adolescents. Methods: Using physical examination data of 70 769 school-age children and adolescents from primary to high school during 2009-2018 in Shunyi District, a longitudinal dataset was formed with completed anthropometrical measurements of height and blood pressure (BP) after individual information linkage. Age-specific height, BP, growth rate of height and BP as well BP growth rate based on age at peak height velocity (PHA) were calculated. Linear mixed-effects model was used to identify sex disparity in the growth rates of height and BP. Results: Height and BP increased with age in both boys and girls, and the mean height and BP of boys were always higher than those of girls, except age group from 10 to 11 years. Sex disparity existed in growth rates of height and BP (P<0.001), which was demonstrated by the interaction item of"sex x age"in linear mixed-effects model. The PHA of boys was 12 years old, which was 2 years later than that of girls, about 10 years old. The curves of BP growth rate with age showed double peaks in both boys and girls. Boys reached the peak BP velocity at 13 years old, 3 years lagging behind that of girls who reached the peak at 10 years old. However, the peak of height and BP velocity of boys were higher than that of girls. The change of BP was highly synchronized in time with the increase of height, after adjusting for the growth rate of height by PHA. BP velocity increased with age before onset of puberty till PHA and then declined. Conclusion: Sex disparity in height growth and BP change among school-age children and adolescents is persistent and significant and the change of BP is highly synchronized in time with the increase of height.
目的: 探索北京学龄儿童青少年身高增长与血压变化的性别差异。 方法: 基于北京市顺义区2009—2018年所有小学至高中体检资料,经匹配个人信息后形成70 769名学生的身高、血压重复测量的纵向数据,计算年龄别身高、血压及其增长速度,和以身高增速高峰年龄(PHA)为基点的血压增长速度,采用混合效应线性模型分析增长速度的性别差异。 结果: 男、女生身高、血压随年龄增长而升高,除10~11岁男生的身高低于女生,其他同年龄段男生身高、血压均高于女生;混合效应线性模型结果显示身高和血压增长速度存在性别年龄交互作用(P<0.001);北京市男生PHA为12岁,女生PHA为10岁,男生比女生晚2年。男、女生血压增长速度曲线均呈“双峰”状,男生血压最大增长速度年龄为13岁,女生为10岁,男生较女生晚3年。男生的身高、血压增长速度高峰均高于女生。在调整PHA后的血压增长速度曲线中,男生和女生均显示青春期血压增长与身高增长相一致,即血压增长速度在PHA前随年龄增加而升高,在PHA达到高峰,之后又显著下降。 结论: 青春期各年龄段男、女生身高与血压增长速度存在性别差异,且血压增长速度变化与身高增长密切相关。.
Keywords: Blood pressure; Body height; Children and adolescents; Longitudinal analysis; Sex factors.