Brain tissue-resident immune memory cells are required for long-term protection against CNS infection with rabies virus

Future Virol. 2020 Nov;15(11):755-761. doi: 10.2217/fvl-2020-0132. Epub 2020 Dec 8.


Immune memory cells residing in previously infected, nonlymphoid tissues play a role in immune surveillance. In the event that circulating antibodies fail to prevent virus spread to the tissues in a secondary infection, these memory cells provide an essential defense against tissue reinfection. CNS tissues are isolated from circulating immune cells and antibodies by the blood-brain barrier, making the presence of tissue-resident immune memory cells particularly needed to combat recurrent infection by neurotropic viruses. Wild-type and laboratory-engineered rabies viruses are neurotropic, differ in pathogenicity, and have varying effects on BBB functions. These viruses have proven invaluable tools in demonstrating the importance of tissue-resident immune memory cells in the reinfection of CNS tissues. Only Type 1 immune memory is effective at therapeutically clearing a secondary infection with wild-type rabies viruses from the CNS and does so despite the maintenance of blood-brain barrier integrity.

Keywords: CNS; Type 1 immunity; antibody; brain immune memory; encephalitis; rabies; tissue-resident memory cells; tumor biology.

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