Introduction: Residential Services for the Execution of Security Measures (REMS) are specialist psychiatric units for forensic patients created in 2015 after OPG (Italian Security Psychiatric Forensic Hospitals) have been closed.
Aims: to describe the clinical, diagnostic and forensic features of patients and evaluate the relevance of 3 elements: use of alcohol and substance, antisociality, cognitive disability. A further aim is the evaluation of the level of pre and post admission diagnostic concordance.
Methods: A specific database has been set for the purpose of the study, which collects data of patients admitted in 5 years of activity of the unit. Data have been analysed through a descriptive approach.
Results: 4 main clusters have been identified: Psychosis, Use of Alcohol/Substance Disorder, Personality Disorder, Cognitive Disability. Alcohol/substance use, antisociality, cognitive disability elements are relevant in the sample. Diagnostic concordance level pre- and post- admission is overall good, sometimes partial.
Conclusions: alcohol/substance use, antisociality and cognitive disability, often in comorbidity mode, represent core features in part of the sample. This finding emphasizes a complexity level which is linked to social and judicial aspects, in addition to the health component.