This research describes a clinical case of treatment of a patient with thyrotoxicosis with concomitant hematological pathology – carriage of unstable hemoglobin Hasharon. A patient diagnosed with «Diffuse toxic nodular goiter. Thyrotoxicosis of medium severity. Drug-induced hypothyroidism» was admitted to the Department of radionuclide therapy for the purpose of treatment with radioactive iodine. Onset of disease - summer 2018 (thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) – 0 mIU/ml). The instrumental studies (ultrasound, scintillation scanning of the thyroid gland) were performed at the pre-radioiodine therapy (RIT) diagnostic stage. The history of the disease indicates, that in 2000 the patient was suspected of having abnormal hemoglobin, since then no examinations have been conducted and anemia has never been detected. The diagnosis of ancestral hemoglobinopathy with the presence (17%) of unstable Hasharon-Sinai-Sealy hemoglobin in a heterozygous form was verified during the preparation to RIT. The radionuclide therapy I131 with activity of 400 MBq was performed on 02.07.2019. The monthly monitoring of laboratory and instrumental indicants was carried out during the post-therapeutic period: the state of hypothyroidism was reached by the end of 2 months after RT, no episodes of significant increase in bilirubin levels were observed during the observation period; no side effects from RT were stated. It becomes possible based on the example of the above observation, to judge the safety of conducting RT for treatment of thyrotoxicosis in patients with similar hemoglobinopathy, without excluding, however, the need for an individual approach in each case.