Gestational diabetes mellitus is an important healthcare problem with serious implications both to the mother and to the foetus. The necessity of clear screening criteria for the pregnant woman and also identifying from an early stage the risk groups can be beneficial instruments for better management of gestational diabetes. The present report identify the main screening criteria for patients at risk for gestational diabetes and the therapeutic-nutritional therapy for women that have gestational diabetes. The different diagnostic criteria, as well as the new instruments through which these criteria can be applied, are still heterogeneous, and it is necessary to unify and promote them. The prevalence of gestational diabetes has significantly increased in recent years, and this has led to an increase in the direct and indirect costs of healthcare. Establishing the optimal time and initiating the correct treatment is critical to achieving glycemic control and to minimize the impact on fetal development and perinatal complications.
Keywords: gestational diabetes mellitus; management of gestational diabetes; risk factors; screening; treatment of gestational diabetes.
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