Child life programs are an important component of pediatric hospital-based care; they address the psychosocial concerns that accompany hospitalization and other health care experiences. Child life specialists focus on the optimal development and well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults while promoting coping skills and minimizing the adverse effects of hospitalization, health care encounters, and/or other potentially stressful experiences. In collaboration with the entire health care team and family, child life specialists provide interventions that include therapeutic play, expressive modalities, and psychological preparation to facilitate coping and normalization at times and under circumstances that might otherwise prove overwhelming for the child. Play and developmentally appropriate communication are used to (1) promote optimal development, (2) educate children and families about health conditions, (3) prepare children and partner with families for medical events or procedures, (4) plan and rehearse useful coping and pain-management strategies with patients and families, (5) help children work through feelings about past or impending experiences, and (6) partner with families to establish therapeutic relationships between patients, siblings, and caregivers. Child life specialists collaborate with the entire interdisciplinary team to promote coping and enhance the overall health care experience for patients and families.
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