Background: Statistical potentials, also named knowledge-based potentials, are scoring functions derived from empirical data that can be used to evaluate the quality of protein folds and protein-protein interaction (PPI) structures. In previous works we decomposed the statistical potentials in different terms, named Split-Statistical Potentials, accounting for the type of amino acid pairs, their hydrophobicity, solvent accessibility and type of secondary structure. These potentials have been successfully used to identify near-native structures in protein structure prediction, rank protein docking poses, and predict PPI binding affinities.
Results: Here, we present the SPServer, a web server that applies the Split-Statistical Potentials to analyze protein folds and protein interfaces. SPServer provides global scores as well as residue/residue-pair profiles presented as score plots and maps. This level of detail allows users to: (1) identify potentially problematic regions on protein structures; (2) identify disrupting amino acid pairs in protein interfaces; and (3) compare and analyze the quality of tertiary and quaternary structural models.
Conclusions: While there are many web servers that provide scoring functions to assess the quality of either protein folds or PPI structures, SPServer integrates both aspects in a unique easy-to-use web server. Moreover, the server permits to locally assess the quality of the structures and interfaces at a residue level and provides tools to compare the local assessment between structures. SERVER ADDRESS: .
Keywords: Knowledge-based potential; Protein structure evaluation; Protein structure prediction; Protein structure quality assessment; Protein–protein evaluation; Protein–protein interaction.