A number of factors have been proposed as potential mediators of the syndrome of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy (HHM), but to date no firm cause-and-effect relationship has been established. We attempted to establish such a relationship by determining whether the presence or absence of adenylate cyclase-stimulating activity (ACSA) in the media of cultured tumor cells predicted the occurrence of the syndrome of HHM when these cell lines were grown in nude mice in vivo. Conditioned media from 35 human renal carcinoma cell lines were surveyed for ACSA in the PTH-sensitive rat osteosarcoma 17/2.8 cell assay. 12 lines were positive (mean, 13.7-fold stimulation, range, 3.0 to 44.0), and 23 lines were negative (mean, 1.2-fold stimulation, range, 0.9 to 1.5). We were successful in establishing five of the positive and six of the negative lines in three to five nude mice per line. Mice implanted with the positive lines uniformly became hypercalcemic (mean serum calcium, 15.8 mg/dl), whereas mice implanted with the negative lines uniformly remained normocalcemic (mean serum calcium, 9.5 mg/dl), in spite of comparable mean tumor size. Acid-urea tumor extracts from each of four hypercalcemic animals contained potent in vitro ACSA (mean, 15.9-fold stimulation), while 5/5 extracts from normocalcemic animals did not (mean, 1.4-fold stimulation). Our study demonstrates that in this model system in vitro ACSA is a reliable predictive marker for HHM in vivo. Whether the protein responsible for this activity is also the mediator of the bone resorption seen in HHM remains to be demonstrated.