Robust strategies to enable the rapid construction of complex organoboronates in selective, practical, low-cost, and environmentally friendly modes remain conspicuously underdeveloped. Here, we develop a general strategy for the site-selective C-H borylation of pyrroles by using only BBr3 directed by pivaloyl groups, avoiding the use of any metal. The site-selectivity is generally dominated by chelation and electronic effects, thus forming diverse C2-borylated pyrroles against the steric effect. The formed products can readily engage in downstream transformations, enabling a step-economic process to access drugs such as Lipitor. DFT calculations (wB97X-D) demonstrate the preferred positional selectivity of this reaction.
Keywords: C−H borylation; DFT calculations; metal-free reactions; pyrroles; site-selectivity.
© 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH.