The disease caused by the new coronavirus, initially described in China in December 2019, became known as coronavirus disease 2019 and quickly spread to countries on all continents, becoming a pandemic with an important global impact. Despite being a virus that typically affects the respiratory tract, some studies have already described neurological manifestations associated with this infection, including acute ischaemic vascular insult. We report a case series including 30 patients, who presented with neurological symptoms during admission to our service, being diagnosed with ischaemic stroke and, concomitantly, coronavirus disease 2019. In the subgroup of patients analysed, a state of hypercoagulability and pro thrombosis was observed through laboratory tests, probably related to the cytokine storm syndrome associated with infection by this virus. With that, we discussed the possibility of this finding being an aggravating factor in the occurrence of stroke in these patients.
Keywords: COVID-19; neuroradiology; stroke.