Importance: Although margin-negative (R0) resection is the gold standard for surgical management of localized pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the question of how to manage the patient with a microscopically positive intraoperative neck margin (IONM) during pancreaticoduodenectomy remains controversial.
Observations: In the absence of randomized clinical trials, we critically evaluated high-quality retrospective studies examining the oncologic utility of re-resecting positive IONMs during pancreaticoduodenectomy for PDAC (2000-2019). Several studies have concluded that additional pancreatic resection to achieve an R0 margin in IONM-positive cases does not influence survival. The largest is a multi-institutional study of 1399 patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy, which demonstrated that in comparison with patients undergoing R0 resection (n = 1196; median survival, 21 months), those with either final R1 resections (n = 131) or undergoing margin conversion from IONM-positive to R0 resection on permanent section (n = 72) demonstrated similar median survival times (13.7 and 11.9 months, respectively). Conversely, recent reports suggest that the conversion of IONM to R0 resection with additional resection or even total pancreatectomy may be associated with improved survival. The discordance between these conflicting studies could be explained in part by the influence of biologic and physiologic selection on the association of IONM re-resection and survival. Since most studies did not include patients receiving modern combination chemotherapy regimens, the intersection between margin status, tumor biology, and chemoresponsiveness remains unclear. Furthermore, there are no dedicated data to guide surgical management in IONM-positive pancreaticoduodenectomy for patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Conclusions and relevance: Although data regarding the oncologic utility of additional resection to achieve a tumor-free margin following initial IONM positivity during pancreaticoduodenectomy for PDAC are conflicting, they suggest that IONM positivity may be a surrogate for biologic aggressiveness that is unlikely to be mitigated by the extent of surgical resection. The complex relationship between margin status and chemoresponsiveness warrants exploration in studies including patients receiving increasingly effective neoadjuvant chemotherapy.