Application of hyperosmolarity can be a promising strategy to promote chondrogenic differentiation in adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs). Growth factors may promote different signaling pathways in parallel that is why in this study we monitor undesired pathologic or unwanted side effects as well as chondroinductive impacts of hyperosmolarity in differentiating ADSCs. Quantified gene expression, immunocytochemistry, glycosaminoglycan deposition and angiogenic secretion assays performed along with immunoassay. We observed that hyperosmolarity pressure of 480 mOsm over-expressed cartilage specific markers at gene expression level in the extra cellular matrix. Meanwhile, hyperosmolarity of 480 mOsm diminished the expression of cartilage associated pathologic markers, i.e., inflammatory and angiogenic attributes. Certain dose of hyperosmolarity could benefit chondrogenesis in a dual way, first by increasing chondrogenic markers and second by lowering tissue mineralization and angiogenic potential. The chondroprotective potential of hyperosmolarity could have a promising benefit in cartilage cell therapy and tissue engineering.
Keywords: Angiogenesis and hypertrophy; Cartilage; Chondrogenesis; Hyperosmolarity; Joint; Osteoarthritis (OA).