Rhizopus infection is an often-fatal complication after transplant. We present a 3-year-old pediatric patient with end-stage renal disease due to congenital hypoplastic kidneys who underwent deceased donor renal transplant. Approximately 3 months after transplant, the patient underwent renal biopsy for a presentation of fevers, acute kidney injury, and imaging evidence of hydronephrosis. The patient was found to have a Rhizopus infection of the transplanted kidney and underwent transplant nephrectomy. In addition to surgical debridement of the infection, the patient was treated with long-term antifungal therapy for complete eradication. After intervention, the patient has had no clinical or imaging evidence of residual or recurrent disease and has been reactivated on the transplant wait list. The positive outcome in this case highlights the importance of rapid diagnosis and treatment of a lethal complication.