Introduction: Many clinical faculty members are challenged by competing factors of scholarly productivity, education, service obligations, and patient care. A team-based approach has the potential to synergistically increase productivity and mitigate factors associated with burnout.
Methods: The purpose of this report is to discuss a prototype for a small, team-based, practice-oriented collaborative approach to advancing critical care pharmacy practice through research and education. Productivity was evaluated in the areas of scholarship and teaching.
Results: This team was formed in 2017 and includes five critical care faculty across four campuses from a single academic institution. This collaborative has published peer-reviewed articles, secured grant funding, and developed novel teaching modalities.
Conclusions: Challenges encountered include timeline adherence, development of uniform data collection processes, clarifying roles and expectations for different projects, and authorship. This team may act as a prototype for clinical faculty teams to enhance engagement and scholarship productivity in a practice-based setting.
Keywords: Burnout; Clinical faculty; Collaboration; Healthcare team; Pharmacists; Pharmacy.
Published by Elsevier Inc.