Background: The gastrointestinal tract is sa well-known site for extranodal Non-Hodgkin lymphomas, with the stomach is known to be the most common site on lymphoma, primary gastric lymphoma (PGL). The lymphoproliferative disorder rarely occurs in patients with cirrhosis. We report a unique case of metastatic PGL in a patient with cirrhosis.
Case presentation: A middle-aged male with decompensated alcoholic cirrhosis presented with two weeks of epigastric abdominal pain, abdominal distension, and jaundice. Abdominal triple-phase CT scan was consistent with cirrhosis, ascites, and multiple new hypodense liver lesions classified as an intermediate probability for HCC based on the LI-RADS classification system (LI RADS 3). Due to the CT findings in the setting of cirrhosis, a provisional diagnosis of HCC was made. Upper endoscopy revealed new multiple umbilicated submucosal nodules in the gastric body. Biopsy and immunostaining consistent with high-grade B-cell lymphoma. Targeted liver biopsy with similar morphology and immunostaining profile consistent with metastatic primary gastric DLBCL.
Conclusions: The case highlights the importance of recognizing metastatic PGL in patients with underlying cirrhosis to differentiate lymphoma from hepatocellular cancer. Targeted liver biopsies with lymphoma immunostaining are required to make a diagnosis.
Keywords: Case report; Cirrhosis; Hepatocellular carcinoma HCC; Primary gastric lymphoma.