Unbiased antibody profiling can identify the targets of an immune reaction. A number of likely pathogenic autoreactive antibodies have been associated with life-threatening SARS-CoV-2 infection; yet, many additional autoantibodies likely remain unknown. Here we present Molecular Indexing of Proteins by Self Assembly (MIPSA), a technique that produces ORFeome-scale libraries of proteins covalently coupled to uniquely identifying DNA barcodes for analysis by sequencing. We used MIPSA to profile circulating autoantibodies from 55 patients with severe COVID-19 against 11,076 DNA-barcoded proteins of the human ORFeome library. MIPSA identified previously known autoreactivities, and also detected undescribed neutralizing interferon lambda 3 (IFN-λ3) autoantibodies. At-risk individuals with anti- IFN-λ3 antibodies may benefit from interferon supplementation therapies, such as those currently undergoing clinical evaluation.