Carotenoid levels in plant tissues depend on the relative rates of synthesis and degradation of the molecules in the pathway. While plant carotenoid biosynthesis has been extensively characterized, research on carotenoid degradation and catabolism into apocarotenoids is a relatively novel field. To identify apocarotenoid metabolic processes, we characterized the transcriptome of transgenic Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) roots accumulating high levels of β-carotene and, consequently, β-apocarotenoids. Transcriptome analysis revealed feedback regulation on carotenogenic gene transcripts suitable for reducing β-carotene levels, suggesting involvement of specific apocarotenoid signaling molecules originating directly from β-carotene degradation or after secondary enzymatic derivatizations. Enzymes implicated in apocarotenoid modification reactions overlapped with detoxification enzymes of xenobiotics and reactive carbonyl species (RCS), while metabolite analysis excluded lipid stress response, a potential secondary effect of carotenoid accumulation. In agreement with structural similarities between RCS and β-apocarotenoids, RCS detoxification enzymes also converted apocarotenoids derived from β-carotene and from xanthophylls into apocarotenols and apocarotenoic acids in vitro. Moreover, glycosylation and glutathionylation-related processes and translocators were induced. In view of similarities to mechanisms found in crocin biosynthesis and cellular deposition in saffron (Crocus sativus), our data suggest apocarotenoid metabolization, derivatization and compartmentalization as key processes in (apo)carotenoid metabolism in plants.
© American Society of Plant Biologists 2020. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email: [email protected].