The potentially fatal cardiovascular effects of hypoglycaemia are not well understood and large animal models of the counter-regulatory responses and cardiovascular consequences of insulin-induced hypoglycaemia are needed to understand the mechanisms in humans. The aim of this study was to develop a human-like minipig model of hypoglycaemia including healthy and diabetic pigs to investigate endocrine, electrocardiographic and platelet effects. Hypoglycaemia was induced using a hyperinsulinaemic, hypoglycaemic clamp and an insulin bolus protocol. Plasma glucose, glucagon, C-peptide, insulin, epinephrine and platelet aggregation responses were measured before, during and after hypoglycaemia. Continuous electrocardiographic recordings were obtained. Hypoglycaemia at a plasma glucose concentration of 0.8-1.0 mM in the clamp induced 25-fold increase in epinephrine and sixfold and threefold increase in glucagon for healthy and diabetic pigs, respectively. The hypoglycaemic clamp induced QTc-interval prolongation and increase in cardiac arrhythmias. In the bolus approach, the non-diabetic group reached plasma glucose target of 1.5 mM and QTc-interval was prolonged after insulin injection, but before glucose nadir. The diabetic group did not reach hypoglycaemic target, but still demonstrated QTc-interval prolongation. These results demonstrate effects of hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia closely resembling human physiology, indicating the minipig as a translational animal model of counter-regulatory endocrine and myocardial effects of hypoglycaemia.