This study was carried out to determine the risk of new ischemic events, demonstrated by diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) in patients undergoing diagnostic conventional cerebral angiogram. MEDLINE, EMBASE, Current Contents, Cochrane Central, Expert Files, and bibliographies of included articles were systematically searched to identify prospective studies that reported MRI findings after diagnostic angiogram. Eligibility criteria included the following elements: manuscripts published between 1999 and 2019; prospective design; only diagnostic angiogram imaging performed prior to the MRI; DW-MRI done before and after the angiogram procedure; and number of new diffusion weighted lesions documented after each procedure. Six studies met the eligibility criteria. The total number of diagnostic angiograms reported was 430. DWI lesions were associated with diagnostic angiograms in 106 (24.65%) of total procedures. Mean time fluoroscopy, procedure by resident operator, and vascular risk factors were the recognised independent risk factors for silent cerebral ischemia after diagnostic angiogram. Key Words: Stroke, Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, Cerebral infarction, Angiography, Brain ischemia.