Statement of problem: Clinical studies regarding satisfaction and occlusal forces with the complete denture in relation to the menopause are sparse.
Purpose: The purpose of this clinical study was to compare satisfaction levels and occlusal force with complete dentures in premenopausal and postmenopausal Indian women.
Material and methods: Twenty premenopausal (group pre-MP) and 20 postmenopausal (group post-MP) completely edentulous participants were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, and estradiol levels were measured. Complete dentures were delivered to all participants following standard fabrication and insertion protocols. Three months after denture insertion, when participants were free of postinsertion complaints, satisfaction level (by using a valid and reliable questionnaire), depression level by using the Patient Health Questionnaire, (PHQ-9) and occlusal force (with a gnathodynamometer) were measured. The obtained data of all parameters were tabulated and compared by using a statistical software program (α=.05).
Results: For questions pertaining to the overall satisfaction of maxillary and mandibular dentures, the 2 study groups encountered a significant difference with the premenopausal group showing significantly higher satisfaction levels (P<.001). Depression scores in the postmenopausal women group were significantly higher than those of the premenopausal women group (P<.001). A negative correlation was found between the overall satisfaction with complete dentures and depression levels in the participants indicating decreased overall satisfaction with increasing depression levels in participants (rho=-0.698). The premenopausal group recorded significantly higher estradiol levels than the postmenopausal group (P<.001). Mean occlusal force with complete dentures in the premenopausal women group was significantly higher than that of the postmenopausal women group (P<.001). A positive correlation was found between the estradiol levels and occlusal forces in the participants indicating that with decreasing estradiol levels, the occlusal forces decrease in the participants (r=0.740).
Conclusion: Satisfaction levels and occlusal force with complete dentures were significantly higher in premenopausal women group than in the postmenopausal group.
Copyright © 2021 Editorial Council for the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.