The MAPK pathway is a major growth signal that has been implicated during the development of progenitors, neurons, and glia in the embryonic brain. Here, we show that the MAPK pathway plays an important role in the generation of distinct cell types from progenitors in the ventral telencephalon. Our data reveal that phospho-p44/42 (called p-ERK1/2) and the ETS transcription factor Etv5, both downstream effectors in the MAPK pathway, show a regional bias in expression during ventral telencephalic development, with enriched expression in the dorsal region of the LGE and ventral region of the MGE at E13.5 and E15.5. Interestingly, expression of both factors becomes more uniform in ventricular zone (VZ) progenitors by E18.5. To gain insight into the role of MAPK activity during progenitor cell development, we used a cre inducible constitutively active MEK1 allele (RosaMEK1DD/+) in combination with a ventral telencephalon enriched cre (Gsx2e-cre) or a dorsal telencephalon enriched cre (Emx1cre/+). Sustained MEK/MAPK activity in the ventral telencephalon (Gsx2e-cre; RosaMEK1DD/+) expanded dorsal lateral ganglionic eminence (dLGE) enriched genes (Gsx2 and Sp8) and oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) markers (Olig2, Pdgfrα, and Sox10), and also reduced markers in the ventral (v) LGE domain (Isl1 and Foxp1). Activation of MEK/MAPK activity in the dorsal telencephalon (Emx1cre/+; RosaMEK1DD/+) did not initially activate the expression of dLGE or OPC genes at E15.5 but ectopic expression of Gsx2 and OPC markers were observed at E18.5. These results support the idea that MAPK activity as readout by p-ERK1/2 and Etv5 expression is enriched in distinct subdomains of ventral telencephalic progenitors during development. In addition, sustained activation of the MEK/MAPK pathway in the ventral or dorsal telencephalon influences dLGE and OPC identity from progenitors.
Keywords: ETS factor; Etv5; Gsx2; Lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE); Oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC).
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