Monitoring vascular normalization: new opportunities for mitochondrial inhibitors in breast cancer

Oncoscience. 2021 Feb 25:8:1-13. doi: 10.18632/oncoscience.523. eCollection 2021.


Preclinical evidence indicates the potential of targeting mitochondrial respiration as a therapeutic strategy. We previously demonstrated that mitochondrial inhibitors' efficacy was restricted to a metabolic context in which mitochondrial respiration was the predominant energy source, a situation achievable by inducing vascular normalization/hypoxia correction with antiangiogenics. Using molecular imaging, we showed how the same antiangiogenic agent may display different normalizing properties in patients with the same tumor type. This is of key importance, since patients experiencing normalization seem to get more benefit from standard chemotherapy combinations, and also could be eligible for combination with antimitochondrial agents. This scenario emphasizes the need for monitoring vascular normalization in order to optimize the use of antiangiogenics. We have also proposed a method to evaluate anti-mitochondrial agents' pharmacodynamics; despite promising accuracy in animal studies the clinical results were inconclusive, highlighting the need for research in this field. Regarding patients that respond to antiangiogenics increasing vessel abnormality, in this case an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment is generated. Whether anti-mitochondrial agents can positively modulate the activity of T effector cell subpopulations remains an area of active research. Our research sheds light on the importance of refining the use of antiangiogenics, highlighting the relevance of tracing vascular normalization as a potential biomarker for antiangiogenics to assist patient-tailored medicine and exploring the role of mitochondrial inhibitors in the context of vascular normalization and correction of hypoxia.

Keywords: antiangiogenics; breast cancer; clinical trial; mitochondrial inhibitors.