Sulphite-induced changes of sulphur metabolism in the lichen alga Trebouxia sp

New Phytol. 1992 Oct;122(2):307-311. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.1992.tb04235.x.


Solutions of sodium sulphite have been used to simulate the effect of gaseous sulphur dioxide on the lichen alga Trebouxia sp. The uptake and the metabolism of inorganic and organic [35 S]compounds such as sulphate, sulphite, and cysteine were investigated in cells of Trebouxia under conditions of sulphite preincubation (sulphite-stressed cells: 3 d pretreatment with 50 mmol m-3 and 5 mol m-3 solutions of sodium sulphite). Metabolism was similar, regardless of whether the Trebouxia was provided with [35 S]sulphate or -sulphite. In sulphite-stressed cells, uptake and incorporation into ethanol-soluble compounds, especially cysteine and methionine, was significantly decreased. In Trebouxia exogenous [35 S]cysteine is metabolized only at a very low rate.

Keywords: Trebouxia; lichen; sulphite; sulphur metabolism.