MRI findings in 13 patients with monolateral parotid tumor were compared with US, sialographic and CT findings. MRI did not allow an accurate diagnosis in 2 patients with diffuse chronic parotitis. MRI was superior to CT in 1 case in defining the intraglandular site of the lesion, and in 2 patients in showing the extraglandular involvement. MRI proved to be superior to CT thanks to its contrast resolution and to multiplanar imaging. MRI high contrast resolution made it possible to demonstrate neoplastic lesions of 4 mm in diameter. The lesion has low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-weighted. Parotid tumors cannot be characterized by signal intensity alone: only morphology allows to discriminate between benign and malignant lesions. To conclude, US is a screening method, while MRI is helpful in detecting multifocal lesions and in evaluating the tumor extent.