Nasal Glioma (NG) represents a rare congenital abnormality of the neonate, which can be associated with skull defects or even a direct communication to the central nervous system. MRI serves valuable information for differentiation from encephalocele, dermoid cyst and congenital hemangioma. Complete resection remains the treatment of choice. We present two cases of NG, which were both suspected during prenatal ultrasound and MRI. In the first case, postnatal MRI showed a transcranial continuity. Mass excision was performed and the defect was covered by a glabellar flap allowing a good cosmetic result. Postnatal MRI excluded a trans-glabellar communication in the second case. After surgical excision, the resulting skin defect was covered with a full thickness skin graft harvested from the right groin. In cases of NGs complete resection and cosmetic appealing results can be achieved and might necessitate a multidisciplinary approach.