Purpose: To automate skeletal muscle segmentation in a pediatric population using convolutional neural networks that identify and segment the L3 level at CT.
Materials and methods: In this retrospective study, two sets of U-Net-based models were developed to identify the L3 level in the sagittal plane and segment the skeletal muscle from the corresponding axial image. For model development, 370 patients (sampled uniformly across age group from 0 to 18 years and including both sexes) were selected between January 2009 and January 2019, and ground truth L3 location and skeletal muscle segmentation were manually defined. Twenty percent (74 of 370) of the examinations were reserved for testing the L3 locator and muscle segmentation, while the remaining were used for training. For the L3 locator models, maximum intensity projections (MIPs) from a fixed number of central sections of sagittal reformats (either 12 or 18 sections) were used as input with or without transfer learning using an L3 localizer trained on an external dataset (four models total). For the skeletal muscle segmentation models, two loss functions (weighted Dice similarity coefficient [DSC] and binary cross-entropy) were used on models trained with or without data augmentation (four models total). Outputs from each model were compared with ground truth, and the mean relative error and DSC from each of the models were compared with one another.
Results: L3 section detection trained with an 18-section MIP model with transfer learning had a mean error of 3.23 mm ± 2.61 standard deviation, which was within the reconstructed image thickness (3 or 5 mm). Skeletal muscle segmentation trained with the weighted DSC loss model without data augmentation had a mean DSC of 0.93 ± 0.03 and mean relative error of 0.04 ± 0.04.
Conclusion: Convolutional neural network models accurately identified the L3 level and segmented the skeletal muscle on pediatric CT scans.Supplemental material is available for this article.See also the commentary by Cadrin-Chênevert in this issue.© RSNA, 2021.
2021 by the Radiological Society of North America, Inc.