Context: Silicosis is a progressive, irreversible and incurable respiratory morbidity and often becomes a cause for pre-mature mortality among occupationally silica dust-exposed workers in India and similar countries. It has a dual problem of associated silico-tuberculosis as a co-morbidity. The present study was done to assess the respiratory morbidity caused by silicosis in sandstone mine of Rajasthan, India.
Methods: The chest X-rays of 529 subjects having history of employment in stone mines with respiratory morbidity were subjected for this study and evaluated in accordance with ILO Classification 2000. The X-rays were classified into various categories of silicosis and progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) in relation to years of work in stone mines.
Results: Out of 529 chest radiographs evaluated, 275 (52%) showed radiological evidence of silicosis. Of them, 40 (7.5%) subjects showed large opacities suggestive of progressive massive fibrosis. Both silicosis and progressive massive fibrosis were associated with increasing duration of work in stone mines. Sixty-one (12.4%) subjects with silicosis also had associated pulmonary tuberculosis, termed as silico-tuberculosis.
Conclusion: The present study showed a high prevalence of silicosis, progressive massive fibrosis and silico-tuberculosis among stone mine workers. It appears that that unless silicosis is controlled, elimination of tuberculosis is far from reality in the country. Hence, states and central authorities must work together towards control of both silicosis as well as silico-tuberculosis. Similarly, there is an urgent need of initiation of national silicosis control programme, similar to existing national tuberculosis control programme, considering the huge burden of silicosis in India.
Keywords: Progressive massive fibrosis; silico-tuberculosis; silicosis; stone mine workers.
Copyright: © 2021 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.