1 Clinic of Hematology, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, EOC, Bellinzona, Switzerland.
2 Institute of Oncology Research (IOR), Bellinzona, Switzerland.
3 Division of Hematology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
4 Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Pharmacological Sciences of Southern Switzerland, EOC, Lugano, Switzerland.
5 Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
6 Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland.
7 Translational Immunology, Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
8 Clinical Immunology, Medical Outpatient Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
9 Division of Hematology, Cantonal Hospital Liestal, Liestal, Switzerland.
10 Hemophilia and Hemostasis Center, Centre for Laboratory Medicine, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
11 Department of Diagnostic Hematology, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.