The signal recognition particle (SRP) plays an essential role in protein translocation across biological membranes. Stable complexation of two GTPases in the signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor (SR) control the delivery of nascent polypeptide to the membrane translocon. In archaea, protein targeting is mediated by the SRP54/SRP19/7S RNA ribonucleoprotein complex (SRP) and the FtsY protein (SR). In the present study, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), we demonstrate that archaeal 7S RNA stabilizes the SRP54·FtsY targeting complex (TC). Moreover, we show that archaeal SRP19 further assists 7S RNA in stabilizing the targeting complex (TC). These results suggest that archaeal 7S RNA and SRP19 modulate the conformation of the targeting complex and thereby reinforce TC to execute protein translocation via concomitant GTP hydrolysis.
Keywords: Archaea; FtsY; SRP RNA; SRP19; SRP54; Signal recognition particle; Targeting complex (TC).
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