High frame rate video mosaicking microendoscope to image large regions of intact tissue with subcellular resolution

Biomed Opt Express. 2021 Apr 20;12(5):2800-2812. doi: 10.1364/BOE.425527. eCollection 2021 May 1.


High-resolution microendoscopy (HRME) is a low-cost strategy to acquire images of intact tissue with subcellular resolution at frame rates ranging from 11 to 18 fps. Current HRME imaging strategies are limited by the small microendoscope field of view (∼0.5 mm2); multiple images must be acquired and reliably registered to assess large regions of clinical interest. Image mosaics have been assembled from co-registered frames of video acquired as a microendoscope is slowly moved across the tissue surface, but the slow frame rate of previous HRME systems made this approach impractical for acquiring quality mosaicked images from large regions of interest. Here, we present a novel video mosaicking microendoscope incorporating a high frame rate CMOS sensor and optical probe holder to enable high-speed, high quality interrogation of large tissue regions of interest. Microendoscopy videos acquired at >90 fps are assembled into an image mosaic. We assessed registration accuracy and image sharpness across the mosaic for images acquired with a handheld probe over a range of translational speeds. This high frame rate video mosaicking microendoscope enables in vivo probe translation at >15 millimeters per second while preserving high image quality and accurate mosaicking, increasing the size of the region of interest that can be interrogated at high resolution from 0.5 mm2 to >30 mm2. Real-time deployment of this high-frame rate system is demonstrated in vivo and source code made publicly available.