Point-node gap structure of the spin-triplet superconductor UTe2

Phys Rev B. 2019 Dec;100(22):10.1103/PhysRevB.100.220504. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.100.220504.


Low-temperature electrical and thermal transport, magnetic penetration depth, and heat capacity measurements were performed on single crystals of the actinide superconductor UTe2 to determine the structure of the superconducting energy gap. Heat transport measurements performed with currents directed along both crystallographic a and b axes reveal a vanishingly small residual fermionic component of the thermal conductivity. The magnetic field dependence of the residual term follows a rapid, quasilinear increase consistent with the presence of nodal quasiparticles, rising toward the a-axis upper critical field where the Wiedemann-Franz law is recovered. Together with a quadratic temperature dependence of the magnetic penetration depth up to T/T c = 0.3, these measurements provide evidence for an unconventional spin-triplet superconducting order parameter with point nodes. Millikelvin specific heat measurements performed on the same crystals used for thermal transport reveal an upturn below 300 mK that is well described by a divergent quantum-critical contribution to the density of states (DOS). Modeling this contribution with a T -1/3 power law allows restoration of the full entropy balance in the superconducting state and a resultant cubic power law for the electronic DOS below T c , consistent with the point-node gap structure determined by thermal conductivity and penetration depth measurements.