The main component of the Mustard and Horseradish extracts, which are used as natural food additives in Japan, is allyl isothiocyanate (AITC). The determination of AITC using GC-FID is the official method employed in the quality control assessments for these products. In this method, a commercially available AITC reagent is used as a calibrant. However, 1H-quantitative NMR (qNMR) analysis revealed that the AITC reagents contain impurity. Therefore, we examined the GC-FID and HPLC-refractive index detector (LC-RID) method based on relative molar sensitivities (RMSs) to high-purity single reference (SR). The RMSs of AITC/SR under the GC-FID and LC-RID conditions were accurately determined using qNMR. The AITC in two types of food additives was quantified using qNMR, SR GC-FID, and SR LC-RID methods. Both SR GC-FID and SR LC-RID showed good agreement within 2% with the AITC content determined by direct qNMR.
Keywords: 1H-qNMR; allyl isothiocyanate; horseradish extract; mustard extract; relative molar sensitivity; single reference.