Background: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the size of the sphenoid sinuses' ostia, the distance between them and the distance between the medial margin of the ostia and the median line in the Polish adult population.
Materials and methods: The analysis was undertaken as a retrospective study of 296 computed tomography (CT) scans of patients (147 females, 149 males) with no comorbidities in their sphenoid sinuses. The paranasal sinuses were investigated by using Spiral CT Scanner (Siemens Somatom Sensation 16), in the option Siemens CARE Dose 4D, without administering any contrast medium. Having obtained transverse planes, multiplans reconstruction tool was used in order to glean sagittal and frontal planes.
Results: The average size of both sphenoid sinus ostia was 0.31 cm for both genders (for females ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 cm and from 0.1 to 0.6 cm for males). The mean distance between both sphenoid sinus ostia was 0.6 cm for both genders (the range for females was 0.1-1.4 cm, whereas 0.1-1.8 cm for males). The average distance between the medial margin of the ostium and the median line was 0.32 cm for both genders (0.31 cm for females in the range of 0-0.9 cm and 0.32 cm for males in the range of 0-1 cm).
Conclusions: Intraoperative identification of the sphenoid sinus ostia might prove difficult and their inadequate excision could lead to potential iatrogenic complications, hence detailed anatomical descriptions are still warranted in specific populations in order to perform safe and effective procedures.
Keywords: anatomy; sphenoid sinus; sphenoid sinus ostium.