Light scattering has been used for label-free cell detection. The angular light scattering patterns from the cells are unique to them based on the cell size, nucleus size, number of mitochondria, and cell surface roughness. The patterns collected from the cells can then be classified based on different image characteristics. We have also developed a machine learning (ML) method to classify these cell light scattering patterns. As a case study we have used this light scattering technique integrated with the machine learning to analyze staurosporine-treated SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and compare them to non-treated control cells. Experimental results show that the ML technique can provide a classification accuracy (treated versus non-treated) of over 90%. The predicted percentage of the treated cells in a mixed solution is within 5% of the reference (ground-truth) value and the technique has the potential to be a viable method for real-time detection and diagnosis.
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