Background: This article describes how a college of nursing (CON) converted its traditional undergraduate academic program to a 100% online program within 2 weeks of being informed of the need for curricular modifications due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Method: The college faculty met online prior to implementation to discuss student needs and special considerations. Clinical simulation experiences were developed based on International Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) standards and delivered through virtual simulation.
Results: Students evaluated the clinical simulation experiences in each course using Likert-style measures and reported positive experiences overall. Each cohort of students, including the May 2020 graduating seniors, successfully completed all of their classes for progression to the next semester or graduation.
Conclusion: The successful conversion of traditional academic programs into a virtual environment requires leadership, collaboration, and teamwork. This CON had positive outcomes and offers lessons learned for future implementation. [J Nurs Educ. 2021;60(7): 397-399.].