Short-term mating orientation as a predictor of alcohol use and risky sexual behavior

J Am Coll Health. 2023 Aug-Sep;71(6):1670-1675. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2021.1947836. Epub 2021 Jul 9.


Objectives: Sexual Strategies Theory suggests people fall on a continuum between having short-term mating orientation (STMO) and long-term mating orientation. One way STMO individuals signal mating goals is via risky drinking. The current study therefore aims to investigate drinks per week (DPW) as a mediator between STMO and risky sexual behavior (RSB), with gender as a moderator between STMO and DPW.

Participants: Undergraduate students (N = 300) from a Midwestern university during Fall 2019.

Method: Participants completed questionnaires assessing STMO, DPW, and RSB frequency.

Results: A moderated-mediation model indicated DPW significantly mediated the relationship between STMO and RSB. Positive associations were found among all three variables. Gender was not a moderator between STMO and DPW.

Conclusions: Mating orientation was a correlate of alcohol use and RSB for women and men, contributing to the literature identifying STMO as an indicator of those in need of substance use and RSB intervention.

Keywords: Alcohol; college students; mating strategies; risky sexual behavior.