The International Radiation Protection Association, IRPA, promotes the worldwide enhancement of professional competence, radiation protection (RP) culture and practice by providing benchmarks of good practice, as well as encouraging the application of the highest standards of professional conduct, skills and knowledge for the benefit of individuals and society. Enhancing public understanding of radiation and risk is highlighted by experiences from past emergencies, including the accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in 2011 and the following post-disaster recovery, as one of the most important challenges, and this challenge is common across almost all public interfaces regarding radiation and risk. To this end IRPA has been continuing a Task Group activity for Public Understanding since 2013. After a series of workshops in various regions of the world, the IRPA draft guidance was developed and issued for consultation of the Associate Societies in 2019. Through these processes, IRPA received a lot of helpful comments and suggestions. IRPA finally published 'Practical Guidance for Engagement with the Public on Radiation and Risk' on the IRPA website in October 2020. The objective of the guidance is two-fold. Firstly, it is to enthuse all of us in our profession to become more active public advocates for RP. Secondly, it is to provide information, experiences and techniques to help us to become more effective and comfortable in this challenging task. This paper provides a key summary of the published IRPA guidance.
Keywords: communication; public engagement; public understanding; radiation risk.
© 2021 Society for Radiological Protection. Published on behalf of SRP by IOP Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.