Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of the major oilseed crops cultivated world over for its high-quality oil rich in linoleic acid. It also has established applications in pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, mainly through recombinant production of unique oil body (OB) membrane proteins-oleosins, which are used for producing a wide variety of vaccines, food products, cosmetics and nutraceuticals. The present review provides a critical analysis of the progress made in advancing our knowledge in sunflower biology, ranging from mechanisms of pollen-stigma interaction, seed development, physiology of seed germination and seedling growth under salt stress, and finally understanding the signaling routes associated with various biochemical pathways regulating seedling growth. Role of nitric oxide (NO) triggered post-translational modifications (PTMs), discovered in the recent past, have paved way for future research directions leading to further understanding of sunflower developmental physiology. Novel protocols recently developed to monitor temporal and spatial distributions of various biochemicals involved in above-stated developmental events in sunflower, will go a long way for similar applications in plant biology in future.
Keywords: Sunflower; seed development; seedling growth; signaling mechanisms.