Background: Continuous saline bladder irrigation (CBI) is a common procedure after transurethral surgery and to treat gross hematuria. We conducted this study to gather data on parameters of CBI, medical staff's work load associated with CBI monitoring, patients' feeling of safety and of patients' impairments during CBI.
Methods: We observed CBI taking place after transurethral surgery for a 2-9-hour period. Patients were asked to rank how safe they felt, general impairments and impaired mobility. Irrigation parameters and complications were documented at least every 30 minutes. The staff's workload was evaluated through the frequency of visits and presence time.
Results: The patients' mobility was notably reduced with an average of 10.5%±16.7% of time spent outside of bed, pain was low (mean 0.60±1.15). Patients felt very safe with CBI (8.8±1.9), hardly impaired overall (3.8±3.0), but restricted in mobility (5.9±2.8). Pain was associated with general impairment and impaired mobility. Clot retention occurred in 5 patients. Average irrigation speed was 9.46±8.69 mL/min (0 to 86.7 mL/min). Urine bags were emptied on average every 2.2±1.2 hours. Patients were visited by medical personnel 1 to 11 times.
Conclusions: CBI remains an improvable procedure in terms of the irrigation process itself to prevent complications, the patients' feeling of safety and comfort during CBI and the amount of work associated with its monitoring. We have provided parameters for the implementation of more individualized CBI monitoring.
Trial registration: German Clinical Trial Registry; DRKS00023707; Registered retrospectively November 25 2020,
Keywords: Urologic surgical procedures; bladder; continuous saline bladder irrigation; hematuria.
2021 Translational Andrology and Urology. All rights reserved.