This study aimed to identify groups at risk based on reported and desired Body Mass Index (BMI) and their relationships with weight satisfaction, food intake and perceived health, and to analyze gender differences. A pre-experimental observational study was conducted. 3380 individuals (mean age 20.16; 64.4% females) participated in a survey in the context of a healthy university project. Participants anonymously completed the SF-12, reported height, weight, desired weight, satisfaction and quality of intake. Reported BMI (BMI-r) and Desired BMI (BMI-d) were calculated following WHO standards. Combining BMI-r and BMI-d four groups emerged: Favorable Concordance, FC (67.40% normal weight wanting to maintain it), Unfavorable Concordance, UC (9.19% non-normal weight wanting such unhealthy condition), Favorable Discrepancy, FD (13.92% unhealthy weight wanting to move in a healthy direction), and Unfavorable Discrepancy, UD (9.49% normal or non-normal weight desiring an unhealthy condition). FD individuals showed lower levels of self-perceived physical health, poorer perception of the quality of their intake, and less satisfaction with weight. Both UD and UC groups are at risk, showing the UD group the lowest scores in mental health and healthy food intake. Higher proportions of females were found in the UD group, and wanting to lose weight. These findings suggest that health treatment, prevention and promotion programs can benefit from a taxonomy that identifies not only people at risk but the direction and adjustment (i.e. healthy vs non healthy) of their intention to change. Programs could be targeted at different groups, with specific goals and interventions, and avoid the 'one-fits-all' to foster a healthy weight in the young adult university population.
Keywords: Reported body mass index; desired weight; groups at risk; health; satisfaction with weight; young adults.