In the era of modern medicine, the number of invasive treatments increases. Artificial devices used in medicine are associated with an increased risk of secondary infections. Bacterial biofilm development observed on the implanted surface is challenging to treat, primarily due to low antibiotics penetration. In our study, the preparation of a new polycarbonate composite, filled with nanosilver, nanosilica and rhodamine B derivative, suitable for three-dimensional printing, is described. Polymer materials with antimicrobial properties are known. However, in most cases, protection is limited to the outer layers only. The newly developed materials are protected in their entire volume. Moreover, the antibacterial properties are retained after multiple high-temperature processing were performed, allowing them to be used in 3D printing. Bacterial population reduction was observed, which gives an assumption for those materials to be clinically tested in the production of various medical devices and for the reduction of morbidity and mortality caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria.
Keywords: antibacterial activity; bacterial biofilm; healthcare-related infection; polycarbonate.