Healthy males having similar socio-economic and cultural background and differing in food intake (1808.4 Cal/day to 2591.0 Cal/day) and their nature of work form the basis of this report. They are drawn from 54 non-factory workers (Gr-I), 33 tobacco workers (Gr-II), 110 metal workers (Gr-III), 18 plastic workers (Gr-IV) and 12 rubber workers (Gr-V) of 22.1 to 28.6 [mean] years old. Lung functions (FVC, FEV1 & PEFR) along with B.P., pulse rate (PR) and Hb were measured. Their height (Ht), weight (Wt), body surface (BSA), Quetlet Index (QI), skin fold thickness (SFT), calorie intake (CI), monthly income and smoking history were worked out. Among factory workers Ht, Wt, BSA, Hb PR, FVC, FEV1 were found higher in Gr-II, whereas the SFT, QI, PEFR and CI are higher in Gr-V as compared to other groups. The FVC, FEV1 and PEFR are higher in non-factory workers as compared to factory workers.