The basal forebrain is located close to the medial and ventral surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres that develop from the sub-pallium. It regulates multiple processes including attention, learning, memory and sleep. Dysfunction and degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCNs) are believed to be involved in many disorders of the brain such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), schizophrenia, sleep disorders and drug abuse ( Mobley et al., 1986 ). Primary cultures of BFCNs will provide an important tool for studying the mechanism of these diseases. This protocol provides a detailed description of experimental procedures in establishing in vitro primary culture of rat embryonic BFCNs.
Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; Axonal transport; Basal forebrain cholinergic neuron; Microfluidic chamber; Nerve growth factor; Neurodegeneration; in vitro culture.
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