Introduction: Spine fusion surgery is an increasingly popular procedure, but the patient experience is variable and the cost is high. Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathways can provide a standardized plan for spine fusion cases, improving quality of care and reducing costs. We report an early attempt at the implementation of such a pathway and compare it to a historical cohort.
Methods: All adult patients undergoing elective posterior thoracolumbar spine fusion in 2019 and 2020 were included in the study. The ERAS protocol implementation started in January 2020. The study cohort was all cases performed in 2020-after implementation of ERAS-while the historical cohort was cases from 2019. Demographic and clinical data were collected and compared between the groups.
Results: Ninety-three patients were included in the study. The study cohort (ERAS) included 42 patients, while the comparison group (pre-ERAS) included 51 patients. Demographic and preoperative clinical data were similar between the two groups. However, postoperative clinical data showed that ERAS resulted in less reliance on analgesics, earlier mobilization, and a reduced length of stay. Complication and readmission rates were unchanged.
Conclusion: ERAS can reduce costs while maintaining or improving clinical outcomes for spinal fusion surgery.
Copyright © 2021 Khalid AlSaleh et al.